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5 Keys To Defeating Diabetes!
Diabetes Special Report: 5 Keys To Defeating Diabetes! Diabetes Special Report: 5 Keys To Defeating Diabetes! By Daniel Rasmussen, EAMP, MSAOM, Founder of Pinnacle Integrative Health You know what the most common recommendation is with every diabetic patient we see?...
Using Acupuncture For Allergies
Using Acupuncture to Relieve Allergy Symptoms Using Acupuncture to Relieve Allergy Symptoms Acupuncture can be used to treat various conditions of the body, and Pinnacle Integrative in Seattle WA can help offer relief to those suffering from common allergy symptoms....
What can acupuncture treat?
What is Acupuncture and What Can It Treat? – Seattle, WA What is Acupuncture and What Can It Treat? – Seattle, WA Before modern medicine, acupuncture was used to treat several health ailments. Millions of people treated minor and severe health problems with holistic...
What is Arthritis and How Can Acupuncture Help
What is Arthritis and How Can Acupuncture Help? – Seattle, WA What is Arthritis and How Can Acupuncture Help? – Seattle, WA Arthritis is a painful, debilitating condition that can greatly affect the quality of a person’s life. People who suffer from the condition need...

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
What is Cosmetic Acupuncture? Acupuncture, or “needle therapy” (zhenjiu) as it is called in Chinese, is one of the most ancient forms of therapy, and the effects are nothing short of miraculous. The practitioners at Pinnacle Integrative Health are experts...