What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Acupuncture, or “needle therapy” (zhenjiu) as it is called in Chinese, is one of the most ancient forms of therapy, and the effects are nothing short of miraculous. The practitioners at Pinnacle Integrative Health are experts in a different style of acupuncture—this method is over 2,500 years old and is derived from the I Ching, one of the oldest books in the world. Acupuncture has been traditionally used to treat, diagnose, and prevent disease—as well as to enhance general health. We recognize that healthy aging is a particularly important subject to many, and this why at Pinnacle Integrative we offer you an alternative to help you feel great in your skin.
Cosmetic Acupuncture promotes the flow of Qi energy in the circulatory systems throughout the face which promotes optimum blood supply. This technique removes blockages, which in turn promotes a healthy and glowing complexion. Needles are inserted into specific meridian points on the face to promote collagen production. Improved Blood flow helps transport oxygen and nutrients to your skin promoting a healthy complexion with minimized wrinkles and fine lines. On a physiological level, the body is continuously renewing cells, lowering oxidative stress, and decreasing stress hormones.
Acupuncture aids in supplying the body the nutrients it needs to effectively perform these processes. Cosmetic acupuncture, in particular, works on improving these processes to enhance the visual appearance of your facial skin. On another note, muscular elasticity decreases as we age and cosmetic acupuncture works to re-train muscles to contract and regain tone. This results in a firmer, more lifted appearance. Cosmetic acupuncture has proven to be an effective adjunct or alternative to conventional cosmetic treatments with absolutely no downtime and promising amazing results. To learn more about acupuncture visit https://vjzxqps0lrr.c.updraftclo ne .com/ or give us a call at (206) 208-0708.